
Welcome to Food Secure Oxford! We are starting to add information to this site, but would love your input. If you know of something that is happening that you would like highlighted, please let us know. If you would like to join the Food Secure Oxford Network, send us your email or give us a call. 

Food is a main part of all of our lives. We should all have a say in where their food comes from, how our food is produced, and how it impacts us and generations to come.

We are working to ensure that all Oxford County residents will have access to, and can afford to buy safe, nutritious food that has been produced in an environmentally responsible way that sustains our rural communities.

Download the Food Secure Oxford brochure for more information.

For more information contact at foodsecureoxford@gmail.com.

Food insecurity exists in Oxford County and is continuing to rise. 9.3% of residents in Oxford County felt food insecure in between 2009 and 2010. This is a 4.6% increase over one year (Canadian Community Health Survey, 2008/09 and 2009/10).